Quantum computing promises to significantly speed up processes in the future

 Chitti Babu, Group CIO, Aurobindo Pharma, unfolds the CIO’s strategies for overcoming obstacles and steering organizations towards innovation and resilience in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Integrating and managing technology in a pharmaceutical context offers profound insights into the evolving landscape of enterprise IT and digital transformation. Implementing and upgrading Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, strategic cybersecurity enhancements, and adopting full-scale IT service management platforms like ServiceNow illustrate the complex interplay between technology and business operations.

In a recent interaction with Nisha Sharma, Principal Correspondent at CIO&Leader, Chitti Babu, Group CIO of Aurobindo Pharma, shared his journey, challenges, and insights on technology investments, team management, and the future of AI in business.

Chitti Babu
Group CIO
Aurobindo Pharma

The power of In-house capability

A critical aspect of these advancements has been the internal handling of technological transitions, notably without outsourcing. This approach not only underscores the capability of in-house IT teams but also highlights the importance of self-reliance in technology management. “The major achievements include executing complete transitions internally, showcasing the strength and capability of our team,” reflects the industry narrative, emphasizing the success of internal team empowerment over-reliance on external vendors.

Strategic leadership in technology

Guidance and strategic oversight have been vital, focusing on staying current with emerging technologies and solutions. The process involves:

  • Identifying the right technological solutions.
  • Executing proof of concepts.
  • Presenting these solutions to the board for approval.

“Guiding the team while keeping myself updated on the latest technologies has been pivotal,” says Chitti Babu. This strategy signifies the dynamic role of leadership in navigating the technological landscape.

Balancing AI and human expertise

The discussion also ventures into the future of work in the context of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). Concerns about AI replacing human jobs are met with a balanced perspective, noting that while automation will streamline specific tasks, the essence of human judgment remains irreplaceable. Chitti Babu commented, “AI and machine learning will augment rather than replace human capabilities,” this stance reflects a broader understanding of technology as a tool for enhancement rather than a substitute for human expertise.

Quantum computing: The next frontier

Reflecting on technological evolution, there’s anticipation around the potential of quantum computing to revolutionize computing power and capabilities. “Quantum computing holds exciting prospects for the future, promising to accelerate processes dramatically,” Chitti Babu believes, and this represents a forward-looking optimism about the transformative power of emerging technologies.

Quality over speed in technological development

The narrative also touches on the challenges posed by rapid technological development, particularly in maintaining the quality of development amidst the proliferation of tools that automate coding. “The quality of development is crucial, even as tools evolve to simplify coding,” Chitti Babu added. This concern points to a need for a balance between leveraging new technologies and maintaining a solid foundation in coding and development practices.

In summary, integrating and managing technology within the pharmaceutical sector offers valuable lessons on the importance of internal capability building, strategic leadership, and the balanced application of emerging technologies. These insights inform current practices and shape the future trajectory of IT in business transformation.

Image Source: Freepik

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