Unmasking Synthetic Fraud: A Growing Threat to Financial Institutions

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, a new player has entered the scene – Synthetic…

Charting a Course Through the Cybersecurity Storm: A Comprehensive Approach for Today’s Digital Challenges

CISOs/CIOs must talk to the CEO and board about safeguarding the organizations’ crown jewels and protecting…

Stay One Step Ahead of Cyber Threats with Proactive Vulnerability Management

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, where data breaches and cyber threats loom, the need for…

2024 -of tech trends, CIO choices, and Bollywood

The beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to reset your thinking and plans,…

Top Four Tech Trends to Watch in 2024

As we approach 2024, technology is undergoing dynamic changes, making this period an exciting phase in…

Spotlight:  Low-Code/ No-Code

Low-Code/No-Code evolution traces from binary to Assembly, then high-level languages and functional programming, now vital in…

Insurance Business Transformation with BI and Automation

The effective use of analytics, BI, and automation are the bedrock on which insurance companies build…

Self-training software in AI-driven visual inspection process is a powerful game-changer

In today’s digital era, new-age manufacturing is resting on the advanced technology landscape that is constantly…

AI & its Implications on Information Security

Artificial intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, represents the forefront of technology’s quest to replicate human-like thinking…

Generative AI in Smart Manufacturing

In Smart Manufacturing, IT leaders are critical in driving supply chain optimization through Generative AI. Smart…