Organizations must outsource tasks strategically based on project needs and lifecycle

Sandeep Dewangan, Group Chief Information Officer at Safexpress, discusses how integrating outdated production control systems into a unified digital framework enabled real-time monitoring and management, digitalizing manual processes, connecting software across production lines, and transferring IoT data to the cloud for instant access.

The tech landscape experienced a significant shift from the mid-2000s to the early 2010s with the advent of the Convergence Era. This period was marked by efforts to create seamless, interoperable digital ecosystems that integrated disparate technology platforms.

The development of industry-driven standards and protocols facilitated the adoption of large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) programs and digital data integration, revolutionizing particularly data-heavy sectors like oil and gas. This shift underscores a strategic transformation in IT management that reshaped industry practices and set new benchmarks for technological deployments.

In an interview with Nisha Sharma, Principal Correspondent at CIO&Leader, Sandeep Dewangan, Group Chief Information Officer at Safexpress, offers valuable insights on the critical factors for navigating digital transformation.

Sandeep Dewangan, Group CIO, Safexpress

Teaming up for success

One important idea is that companies can’t do everything themselves. The Sandeep Dewangan highlights the value of working with other companies (partners) on digital transformation projects. “It’s impossible for any organization to keep doing these within their own and hence partners become the only and obvious choice to go along and work with,” he says. This makes sense because different companies often have specific areas of expertise. By teaming up, businesses can get the best skills for the job, use resources wisely, and innovate faster.

Communication is key

Leading tech teams well requires clear communication and teamwork. The Sandeep Dewangan emphasizes a multi-year plan that aligns with the company’s overall goals. “We have a multi-year roadmap of IT and digital at SafeExpress, which is tied with the multi-year vision of business,” he explains. This plan acts like a roadmap, ensuring everyone achieves the same objectives. He also suggests structuring the team to handle different tasks: running existing systems, building new solutions, and constantly improving. Regular check-ins and open communication keep everyone on the same page and ensure everyone contributes effectively.

Security matters more than ever

As businesses connect more online, cyber threats become more serious. Sandeep Dewangan recognizes the need for a comprehensive security approach. This includes clear rules about acceptable online behavior and who can access what information. 

Additionally, robust security software like firewalls is crucial for protecting essential systems. But security goes beyond technology. He emphasizes having good security practices and constantly monitoring systems for threats. “This is continuously evolving,” he says. “There are there are few fundamentals in terms of an organization having a clear recognized policy and approach on cyber and information security, to having right technology fundamentals on all that we have or we do new, and then also having right practices and SOPs [Standard Operating Procedures] in place. And fourth and very important, must have tech platforms and solutions for continuously monitoring all implementations, all internal, external transactions and information exchange, including end-user behaviors.” Companies can build a strong defense against cyberattacks by taking a well-rounded approach.

The future of technology

Looking back at how technology has changed, the Group CIO is impressed by the widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies fundamentally change how many industries operate, from logistics to manufacturing. “Today, none of these conversations can be without artificial intelligence and machine learning,” Sandeep Dewangan says. However, he believes that quantum computing has the potential to be even more transformative. While still under development, quantum computing promises to revolutionize areas like data encryption, materials science, and the development of new medicines. 

The Group CIO anticipates that when combined with advancements in AI, edge computing (processing data closer to where it’s used), and 5G (faster internet), quantum computing will usher in a new era of technological disruption. “This is something that can become transformational,” he says of quantum computing, “We have everything as much what some of these big themes with quantum, and we can be looking at something extraordinarily and absolutely different in the near future for all of us.”

A roadmap for the digital age

The conversation with Sandeep Dewangan provides valuable guidance for CIOs and tech leaders navigating the complexities of digital transformation. He emphasizes the importance of strategic partnerships, clear communication within teams, and prioritizing cybersecurity. The CIO’s perspective on emerging technologies like quantum computing offers a glimpse into the exciting possibilities. Organizations can thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape by embracing these lessons and staying up-to-date on technological advancements. 

Image Source: Freepik

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