The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence (HI), with its millennia-long development phase, stands as a testament to the remarkable capabilities of the human brain. The cognitive power, memory retention, and innovative prowess inherent to humans have created a world replete with marvels and wonders. However, the same cognitive ability has also been responsible for the dark chapters of history, marked by wars and destruction. 
AI?s rapid advancements and their implications
Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently emerged as a contender to match HI. The question looms: will AI ever evolve to rival our brains in terms of cognitive ability and memory power? Will bridging this chasm take centuries or just a fraction of that time? The vast repository of data available in the digital age influences the answer Tools like ChatGPT exemplify AI’s efficiency in understanding and retrieving data, providing users with rapid and precise answers. 
The limitless feats of human ingenuity
Nevertheless, when considering the progress humans have achieved across various domains, it becomes evident that AI, despite its advancements, has yet to match the complexity of human thought. Humans have achieved groundbreaking feats in numerous fields long before computers existed. The advent of computers has undoubtedly streamlined many processes, yet replacing the human brain with an artificial one remains a distant prospect. 
The practicality and influence of AI
So, why does AI influence humans? One reason lies in its ability to address practical concerns. AI  aids in storing and retrieving vast volumes of data, alleviating the need for individuals to remember everything. It also generates pre-written content on many topics, reducing the time spent on writing tasks. While AI does not innovate or think like humans, it frees us from numerous mundane tasks, akin to calculators sparing us from laborious calculations. 
Understanding AI?s true potential and limitations
However, labeling AI as “Fake Intelligence” would be unjust. AI accomplishes substantial work with its artificial neural networks and data-driven algorithms. It manages vast data sets and fulfills the expectations we place upon it. Yet, we must acknowledge that AI falls short of some of our grander expectations. The anticipation that AI will possess human-like emotions, reasoning, or creativity remains 
a fallacy. Machines, devoid of human brains, cannot truly understand emotions or replicate human behavior with its intricacies and nuances. 
The intricacies of music-an example of human mastery
Take the example of music, often regarded as a form of magic and rocket science. Music, born from just seven notes, encompasses an immense depth of study, from classical to semi-classical and Western to  Indian genres. Composing music that resonates with all is a feat akin to rocket science. Understanding the intricate subtleties of music is a monumental task for humans, let alone for AI with its artificial brain. 
Final thoughts
In conclusion, while the influence of AI on our lives is undeniable, expecting magic beyond its capabilities is unrealistic. AI simplifies tasks humans have already accomplished but does not fundamentally redefine our capabilities. Let us embrace AI for what it is?a tool we have created to enhance our efficiency and productivity, but one that cannot replicate the boundless depths of human intelligence and creativity.
Kanu Ratan Butani is a Senior Manager at Atos Eviden India.
Image Source: Freepik
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